

Vom 31.08 bis 02.09.2018 fand die diesjährige Bread && Butter in Berlin statt. Genau das richtigeEvent für alle, die sich für Fashion, Musik und Pop-Kultur begeistern und auf der Suche nachden neusten trends sind. Hier in Mitten dieser Trendshow war O2 mit einer auffälligen, chilligen und interaktiven Lounge vertreten. Diese FET.YOU -Lounge bestand aus einer …

In Freiburg im Breisgau hat seit dem 03. September der neue ZEISS VISION CENTER geöffnet.

Fotos: Peter Fränsemeier - www.fraensemeier.de

The opening of the new ZEISS Customer Center was celebrated as a final highlight of a global Go-To-Market Meeting with 120 country managers from all around the world. Dr. Matthias Metz Member of the Executive Board, President and CEO of Carl Zeiss Vision International GmbH has made the laudatory speech and handed over the Customer Center to the Team of Vision Care and Consumer Products.

The …

Last week I had the chance to visit Brasilia and could get closer to the work of Oscar Niemeyer. The city was totally impressive, especially for me as architect. I dreamed a long time of visiting this extraordinary urban project in the middle of nowhere.

This city feels like it has dropped out of any human scale. And we did our whole sight seeing tour by foot, what a mistake. The humid heat and …


Shops 301–302, Level 3, Lee Garden One, 33 Hysan Avenue, Causeway Bay, Hong Kong

With a great ceremony at the 6th December the new ZEISS VISION CENTER in Hong Kong was opened. Beside a delegation of ZEISS Manager from Germany including the CEO from ZEISS VISION have joined close to 150 people this exclusive event.

The Collection.

The innovative ZEISS EYEWEAR Architekt Kollektion line of eyewear was envisioned by architect and designer Elmar Gauggel, and made a reality by ZEISS EYEWEAR. It features eight frames, each distinct and striking. The Architekt Kollektion combines bold creativity and meticulous precision. It includes full-rimmed and supra styles, standard glasses and sunglasses, and men’s, …

Latest picture from the busy construction area in the headquarter of ZEISS in Oberkochen.

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